Accommodation options
HEEED volunteers can stay at Tandy House or opt for more spacious rooms at Fish Heaven House. Tandy House In this self-contained unit there are 4 private rooms and a dormitory with fans, as well as 2 shared bathrooms. Fish Heaven House All rooms at Fish Heaven House are private rooms and equipped with fans. Mbuna, Liyani and Mcheni are double rooms with shared bathroom and Chambo is a double en-suite. Except for Mbuna, rooms are overlooking the garden and the Lake.
Helpful Tips
Transport. HEEED can arrange a private taxi from Lilongwe airport to Chembe. Volunteers can also opt for public transport: a bus from the airport to Lilongwe bus station costs about US$ 5; and a bus from Lilongwe to Monkey Bay (18 km from Chembe) costs about US$ 22. There are a number of Chembe “mo-ped taxis” (matolas) that ply between Chembe and Monkey Bay for around US$ 3.
Laundry. Clean sheets and pillow cases are provided weekly. Volunteers are expected to take care of their own personal laundry, although it can be provided as an extra service upon request.
Meals. Dietary restrictions (vegetarian, allergies etc.) can be accommodated. Breakfast is served from 7am, lunch from 12 pm and dinner around 6pm.
Telephone & Internet. Volunteers bringing cell phones and lap-tops can buy TNM or Airtel SIM cards for less than US$ 1. Credit bundles can be topped up with weekly or monthly vouchers in the village.
Cash. Either US dollars can be exchanged or Malawian Kwachas can be withdrawn from ATMs at the airport and in Monkey Bay or Mangochi. Volunteers are expected to bring US dollars to pay the visa fee at Lilongwe aiport.
Leisure Activities. Volunteers can engage in hiking, biking, kayaking, going on boat trips and sunset cruise, as well as snorkelling and scuba diving, to discover the myriad wonders of Lake Malawi National Park. All activities organized by Scuba Shack Diving can be offered to HEEED Volunteers at reduced rates.
Health and Travel Insurance. HEEED Volunteers are expected to provide their own health and travel insurance for the duration of their stay with HEEED. The local Chembe Billy Riordan Health Clinic can assist in emergencies and we also recommend that HEEED Volunteers take an anti-malarial prophylactic.
Visa. Fortunately, the recent Malawi Visa Law has changed, so Non-Malawian HEEED volunteers do NOT have to pay for a visa to enter the country. They are encouraged to stay for a minimum of one month are are permitted to stay in Malawi for 30 days. This permit can be renewed for up to 3 months at Monkey Immigration Office, 18km away from Chembe. Those wishing to stay longer can leave Malawi and visit Mozambique or Zambia for a short holiday and return for another 3 months or have HEEED arrange an in country extension for an additional 3 to 6 months.