Economic Development

Challenges: Sustainable alternatives to traditional incomes of fishing and sale of poached wood fuel.

HEEED solutions

  • Integrated aquaculture/agriculture: nutritious crops, poultry for domestic use/for sale to tourist lodges.

  • Develop mud and cement stoves as well as a fuel briquettes and hand-made paper business, using waste vegetation.

  • Using art, as a tool, in environmental education – raise awareness about HIV and AIDS and nutrition (particularly among children 6-12- years old) – through observation, drawing of local flora and fauna, drama (using wildlife cartoon characters in an educational booklet entitled The Hiding Hyena, also in English.) – all contributing to the income generating activities (IGAs) and production of HEEED Handicrafts (sisal, banana stem and bottle top baskets).

  • Foster an ecotourism industry focused upon the underwater wild-life that is unique to the region, providing divers and boats for tourist snorkeling excursions in LMNP.

  • Maintaining a clean village and shore-line: HEEED has been training the local populace in diving and the importance of maintaining clean environment.